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Monday April 29th

Website Update

by Ryan, Designer Manager   |   April 29, 2024   | 
3 minutes read
Updated Platform81 Website

Regular updates to your website ensure it remains relevant, functional, and aligned with the latest design trends and technologies. Our team web and design teams have been working on a website update for ourselves. This month, we unveiled the revamped Platform81 website, showcasing transformative changes that enhance user experience, performance, and aesthetics. We want to run through a few of the primary features of this update and the purpose they serve.

UX-Friendly Approach to Our Services

In line with our commitment to delivering an exceptional user experience, we’ve adopted a UX-friendly approach to our services. Our redesigned navigation allows users to find the service that best suits their needs. Users now have clear and concise information and engaging visuals, providing users with a smoother experience than ever.

UX-Friendly navigation update

Implementing Fluid GSAP Animations

One of the standout features of our website update is the integration of fluid GSAP animations. These high-performance animations work seamlessly in every major browser, adding dynamic elements that captivate visitors and enhance user interaction.

Full-Width Design for Larger Screens

With larger screens, the development of tablets and the increasing size of mobile devices, functionality can vary on each device. Optimisation was a primary consideration, so we worked on seamless functionality on larger screens. Our new build ensures an optimal viewing and navigation experience, allowing users to enjoy our content without constraints or limitations.

Refreshed Portfolio and Introduction of Collections

Our updated website boasts a refreshed portfolio of projects featuring collections, showcasing a diverse range of our previous projects. We have also updated our case studies, providing a clear and in-depth look into our successes and what we have achieved for clients. This curated approach enables visitors to explore our work more efficiently and gain insights into our expertise and capabilities.

Collections and refreshed portfolio

New Photoshoot Images

We’ve incorporated new photoshoot images that capture the essence of our brand and services. These high-quality images provide a more authentic and immersive experience whilst staying consistent with our updated branding.

Updated Brand Colours & Typography

One of the central components of the update is the refreshed branding, including colours and typography. We felt the new branding reflected a revitalised brand identity. These design elements create cohesive visuals that reinforce our brand presence and make us more identifiable and familiar.

Updated branding

Introduction of Showreel Video

To give users a glimpse into our expertise in the industry, we have introduced a Showreel video on our website. Showcasing our team’s work, the services we offer and providing an overview of how we can ensure online success for our clients.

Showreel video on Platform81 website

The recent update to our website represents a significant milestone in our journey towards excellence in design, technology, and user experience. Our website is now better equipped to inspire confidence in our work and provide users with a polished experience

To find out more about our website and design-building capabilities and how we can update, refresh and build your digital presence and achieve your business goals, contact us today.

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