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E-commerce Website Design Stockport

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The era of online shopping is well and truly upon us, with global ecommerce sales expected to reach £6 Trillion by 2024. With customers more inclined than ever towards purchasing online, there has been an explosion in the ecommerce sector.

eCommerce Website Build
eCommerce Website Build
eCommerce Website Build

As audiences become more discerning when it comes to online shopping, a successful ecommerce site must provide a seamless, user-friendly experience with a frictionless and satisfying journey for the customer.

At Platform 81, we specialise in making selling simple. By developing bespoke and fully integrated ecommerce websites, we create a shopping experience designed to turn clicks into conversions, and ensure your customers return time and time again.

Choosing your platform

When it comes to creating an effective and successful ecommerce site, WooCommerce and Shopify both offer two powerful platforms for powering your online business.

WordPress has become a powerhouse for ecommerce websites due to its flexibility and popularity and provides a solid foundation for your website. However, to start selling directly from your site, you need to add ecommerce functionality with a plugin such as WooCommerce. This feature-rich platform covers more than a third of the entire online shopping market, and will allow you to manage inventory, add payment gateways and shipping options.

Shopify is a complete ecommerce platform, utilised by many leading brands worldwide including Red Bull and Penguin Books, and has its own app store offering additional features to improve your ecommerce site. It is designed to grow with your business as you scale, offering powerful tools to manage your online content.

Our developers have extensive experience in both and will help you choose the platform that works the best for your business needs.

A user-driven experience

Whatever platform you choose to go with, if you want your ecommerce website to stay relevant and competitive in a rapidly expanding landscape, while driving those all-important conversions, there are certain things your site must do. Luckily, at Platform81, we can guide you through the entire process, and ensure your ecommerce site can stand up to the competition, whether you’re selling a single product or thousands of products across different lines.

Simplicity is the goal of any good design, and this holds especially true for ecommerce websites. 76% of consumers say the most important characteristic of a website is its ease of use. Creating a smooth pathway from the landing page to the checkout is key for creating a frictionless experience, removing any potential obstacles to purchase. Similarly, your website should be integrated with multiple payment gateways, providing a quick and effortless shopping experience.

With the decline in brick-and-mortar stores, ecommerce sites must also provide an experience that truly captivates their target audience. Whether through interactive experiences, wishlists, or simply killer content and imagery, your website should delight customers at every stage of their journey.

How can Platform81 help?

Our team of design and development experts are on hand to help you create an ecommerce website that services the needs of your business and your customer. Our process begins with an in-depth analysis of your business and your objectives, so we can create a site that meets you where you are, and truly represents your brand.

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to the design and execution of your ecommerce website, and we work to combine our industry knowledge of what makes a good site with your understanding and experience, ensuring the entire process is underpinned by your goals.

Our expert developers will take care of everything, from payment gateways to cross-browser and device functionality. Our robust development process means we will test and test again to ensure your website not only looks the part, but is optimised for security, reliability, and ease of use.

What’s more, Platform81’s award-winning designers and developers will ensure your website works harder for you, and our hosting, maintenance and optimisation services take care of your website, so you can focus on taking care of business.

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