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Monday March 12th

4 Steps to Digital Marketing Strategy Success

by platform81   |   March 12, 2018   | 
3 minutes read

Here at Platform81 HQ we understand the challenges faced by SME businesses when it comes to marketing their businesses.

Whether it’s a poor experience with a previous agency, lack of resources or keeping up with the latest trends, fear not! Help is at hand. Our team of digital experts Amanda, Fiona, Mit and Luke have provided their top 4 tips to help improve your digital marketing strategy.

 Understand your audience and how they behave

This may seem like an obvious tip but you would be amazed at how often this is overlooked. Before investing in a targeted digital marketing campaign, it is important to understand who your customers are and how to best engage with them. Profile your previous customers using the data you have or undertake social listening to profile potential customers. This knowledge will help determine how, when and where you engage with your customers.

Consider the power of influencers

The way we consume media is changing. A recent study suggested that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from individuals over ads and other branded content. Influencer Marketing isn’t just a tool for brand with large marketing budgets, it can be a key tool for SMEs too! Some ideas for tackling influencer marketing on a limited budget could include running a competition, inviting videos from users for the chance to win a prize, or send out a limited number of free products to influential bloggers for review or hold an event and invite key social media influencers.

 Be where your audience is

A common trend for a lot of clients we speak to is posting the same content across all of their social platforms. In many cases it can help boost engagement to vary the content you are sharing on each of your platforms. Every platform has its own audience which wants to see different things, for example:

Facebook: Videos and curated content (from third parties)
Twitter: Industry news, blog posts and Internal personality
Instagram: Imagery, quotes, stories
LinkedIn: jobs, company news and professional content

It’s also important to know that you don’t have to be on every platform. If your audience isn’t on Instagram then why are you?

Content is key

Even the best planned campaign can’t succeed without quality content. Content is effectively the creation of brand stories that encourage action, be that sharing, conversation or enquiries. By content, we mean the information that people came to read, learn, see or experience. To encourage action your brands content should do one of the following, inspire, inform, educate or entertain your social media followers.

We are firm believers that all content must have a purpose therefore we will work with you to identify what we will create, how we will create it and why we are creating it. Struggling to know what your audience wants, why not ask them directly? Find out more here


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