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Paid Search Services Stockport

When you analyse effectively, find the right keywords, and target the right audience, PPC marketing delivers massive returns. You can’t let your PPC campaigns just tick along, it is so much bigger than that, and that’s why you need an experienced agency to take your online presence to the next level and ultimately grow your business through a tailored marketing strategy.

We’ll carry out initial market research to fully scope your campaign. We will provide in-depth analysis to ensure your ads are displaying for the right keywords and ensure you are getting the right visitors to your website, at the right time.

A Paid Strategy Pays Off…

Account Audits

Are you getting the best return on your marketing budget? Our free comprehensive PPC audit checks over 100 items to assess how hard your campaigns are working for you, and then we can tell you what we will do to make them work harder.

Google Shopping

If you’re an ecommerce business, you need to be on Google Shopping. Google Shopping quickly shows your customers detailed information, promotions and prices to set you aside from the competition and win the sale. We know Google Shopping, and we can help you get the best out of your data feed.


Whether you are remarketing to past website visitors, or prospecting to new users who will want your service or products, you need a detailed Display strategy.

Capture your previous site visitors and get them back to your site to complete their purchase, or find new customers based on campaigns built on data insights.


Every minute, more than 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube and “how-to” videos are the biggest searches on the ever-growing video platform. You need to be seen.

Our Stockport based marketing team will target users who have watched a certain video, or make your videos interactive by linking your viewers directly to the products when they want them most.

A Data Driven Approach

Bolster Awareness

Your ad copy and creative needs to cut through the noise to get your ads seen.

We’ll make sure your ads are highly relevant to your audience and consistently tested and refined to not only increase your visibility, but crucially your profitability.

Increase Revenue

We will ensure that your paid media strategy quite literally pays off, taking your business to the next level. We’ll drive revenue through targeted PPC campaigns, supporting other channels to drive sales.

Pinpoint Customers

By finding the right mix of positive and negative keywords that offer high user intent, we aim to reach the right customers at the right time. Whether your website is ecommerce or enquiry based, the visitors being driven to your website will be highly targeted, quality leads from a trusted traffic source.

Continued Flexibility

We’ll be constantly refining your campaigns, improving them periodically based on what your data is telling us. Through regular bid management we’ll make certain there’ll be no overspending on keywords.

Google Partners

We have demonstrated to Google our expertise and have been awarded with Partner status.

This means that we have shown Google we can grow businesses by meeting their rigorous requirements and completing challenging exams.

Precision Targeting

Measurable Results

The data generated through managed PPC campaigns will provide insight into the results your Adspend delivers. Tracking traffic from the moment someone clicks on your website through to landing page conversion using Google Analytics allows you to see actual return on your investment.

Fast Entry

PPC gets you online visibility, and quickly. Even if you’re behind your competitors in adopting a PPC strategy, our team can get you up and running overnight. Even better, once you’ve established market presence, you can continue to build on this by increasing and optimising your budget.

Highly Targeted

The different tactics available within PPC activity allow granular targeting based on past behaviours, location, demographics and even technology used by your customers. This level of targeting helps develop a much better chance of conversion and a better optimised account for future paid search marketing efforts.

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