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Wednesday November 22nd

6 Common Web Design Misconceptions

by platform81   |   November 22, 2017   | 
3 minutes read

When it comes to designing or refreshing your website it’s more than likely that you already have a vision for how you want your website to look and feel.

Although your input is invaluable, as your design agency, we’re here to understand you, your business and your customers so we will work collaboratively with you to ensure your business is represented in the best way possible. With this in mind we have outlined some of the common design misconceptions that we come across time and time again.

“Make the logo bigger”
Obviously, you’re proud of your branding, you’ve spent a lot of time (and money) investing into how you want it to look. However, when it comes to the placement on a website for many the solution is the bigger the better. This should not be the case. If it’s identifiable and the name is legible, then it’s big enough.

“Can we get it above the fold”
This is a common phrase that started in news print, shifted to early web design and now just won’t disappear. The web has evolved and so have users. Users are more comfortable than ever with scrolling and actually the mere presence of a scroll bar is enough to prompt people to…. And research has proven that they do!

“We love it but we just need to show a few more people”
We understand that there will be key stakeholders involved in signing off a project, however it boils down to the old saying, too many cooks spoil the broth. When too many people try and work together on a project, the result can end up being inferior. We would always recommend having two key people involved in the final decision making to keep the project and objectives clear and concise.

“Can we just tighten things up, there’s a lot of white space”
Negative space doesn’t have to be a negative. It’s tempting to try and fill every inch of your website with information, but it is a proven fact that negative space; increases legibility, draws focus, encourages interaction and inevitably will bring in more business.

“When I use a website…”
Unless you are selling to yourself, you should accept you are not the sole target market. Your customers come in all shapes and sizes, so let us do the heavy lifting and find out exactly what they want and how they want to be talked to.

“We’re great!”
Don’t tell me, show me. Some wise words brought to you by my old maths teacher Mr Harper; “there’s no point having the answer, if no one knows how you got there”. Or put simply, if you tell people you can do a backflip you can guarantee they’re going ask to see it. Therein lies the lesson. If you’re great at something don’t just tell people, show them with the use of; case studies, accreditations, client logos and testimonials.

If you’re reading this and you’ve been thinking about how to approach your web project, then why not pick up the phone and see how we can design the winning formula for you and your business.

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