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Wednesday March 11th

Important Ways You Can Protect Your Data

by platform81   |   March 11, 2020   | 
3 minutes read

The internet can be a scary place, and with features like cookies now storing our data across the web, it’s now more important than ever for us to be aware of our digital footprint, and what personal information is being withheld.

Today is Freedom of Information Day and whilst this may traditionally be an American holiday, we wanted to share our expert advice on how to keep your data protected online.

First and foremost, it’s a rule of thumb that you should never post something online which you may deem as being inappropriate in the future. A tweet, personal information posted on Facebook or even your Instagram profile picture should be carefully considered.

However, under article 17 of the GDPR, individuals have the right to have personal data erased, although this right is not absolute and does not apply in all circumstances. If there’s an article google references which it believes useful for the public, it does not lawfully have to be removed.

While we can request that any information is removed from the internet, there’s nothing to stop someone taking a screenshot or a copy of what they have seen and keeping it on a device that’s personal or not connected to the web.

Always be cautious about providing any personal or business information over the internet and follow these basic rules to ensure you and your business keep your digital footprint to a controllable level:

Privacy Policy

When registering for a service or buying a product when was the last time you checked the company’s privacy policy? This policy will let you know how the company plan on using your data and what their retention plans are. They could have a legitimate reason for keeping your details for 20 years, but ensure you know about it firstly, and the reason behind it.

The Importance of Security

Unfortunately, mainstream websites do get hacked; usually this is down to some sort of human error rather than website security. Ensure every single website you register with has a randomly generated password of at least 12 characters. There are great apps to ensure your passwords remain safe and highly secure, such as www.lastpass.com.

Integrity of Company

Before passing any information online, make sue to have a good look around the websites and ensure it looks legit and its ethos’s follow yours. Does the company have Cyber Essentials? Is the website protected with an SSL certificate? Do they have a cookie policy? All these small things make the difference and should give an indication of trust about whether you should deem to use them as a supplier.

If you’re looking for more advice on how to protect your digital data, or you simply need a more secure website building in order to keep your customers safe, then get in touch with us today.

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